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The Glenwood Girls are done with their summer show. It was so much fun having them, and we’re looking forward to having them back next summer. Dino & Dino are back at the 6-7 p.m. slot, and Captain Crunch & the Cereal Killers moves back into its original slot of 7-9 p.m.

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August 14, 2012

Eric is the host of Great American Country (GAC). He loves watching Country music videos. His favorite artist of all time is Carrie Underwood. He plays drums with his father and is also an accomplished guitarist. His favorite movie is Swamp Princess Escapes From the Castle. Catch Eric and DJ Curtis every Saturday from 11:30 […]

August 13, 2012

Kristen loves to be a helper and is a true artist. Her latest project is painting lighthouses.

August 13, 2012

Eva is a huge Elvis and Lou Rawls fan!

Music in the Park- Boardman Park Location: Maag Outdoor Art Theatre Category: Concerts Time: 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM Cost: Free Description: ALL CONCERTS START AT 7 PM EXCEPT THE MILITARY BANDS THURSDAY NIGHTS June 7 The Youngstown Symphonic Band – Paul Rossi Conductor June 14 Guy’s Without Ties (From Motown to Rock) June 21 Jack Vasko & […]

June 11, 2012

DJ Ted Hardy

Ted had been the lone employee of WTED in Poland and Struthers, Ohio for over 30 years. He was lured to Golden String Radio by good friend/DJ Walter Mootz. His nickname is “The Animal.” Ted is a licensed Golden String Radio Meteorologist. He’s a big fan of milkshakes and Elvis Presley.

Be a part of Golden String’s 9th Annual Drive for the Disabled! Friday, June 15, 2012 Registration: 8 a.m. Tee-off: 9 a.m. Cost: $70/team This includes entry into the event, 18 holes of golf, cart, breakfast, lunch, dinner, beverages, Chinese Auction and chances to win various prizes! Hole Sign Sponsors—$100 * Jell-O Shots * Beer […]

Our DJ Gregg “Quisp” Wormley took 1st place on March 31 at the Sulmona Valley Club Wine Taste. Can he defend his title at Golden String’s 3rd Annual Beer, Wine & Chocolate Taste on April 14th?!? To be continued…

Keeping in line with our theme of “Purple” I ask the question, “Have you Ever Tried a Violet Mint?” I know I have dissolved many (well, actually, I often bite them) in my mouth. Our Touch The Moon Candy Saloon, located in Downtown Youngstown, carries the famous Choward Violet Mints. The Violet Mints, a New […]

Golden String Radio and ISLE are looking for donations of old radios to take apart/repair. Our clients often enjoy learning about electronics and tool usage. Please email Jimmy at if you are interested in helping out. Thanks!

March 15, 2012

Walter “The King” Mootz helps out with the Joe Gallagher Show. He loves baking pizzas, Elvis, Michael Jackson, and dancing with the ladies. He is quite the “Teddy Bear” to the “PYTs.”

Our live broadcast schedule has changed just a bit. Details below… The Joe Gallagher Show w/ Jimmy and Joe starts at 5 and ends at 7:30 p.m. The Troubles Gilboy Show w/ DJ Troubles starts at 7:30 and ends at 8:30 p.m. The Golden String Diner w/ Mustang Sally starts at 8:30 and ends at […]

February 1, 2012

Description coming soon for one of our newest DJs at Golden String Radio.

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February 1, 2012

Jami resides in Canfield. She enjoys listening to Abba and the Bee Gee’s and would like to meet them one day. Her favorite food is a good piece of fresh fish with some cheese and a Diet Coke. She has an infectious laugh and loves to sing and dance when she doesn’t feel embarrassed. Her […]

It is that time of year already! We are busy planning the 3rd Annual Golden String Beer, Wine & Chocolate Taste. We’ll have local craft brews, homemade wines & chocolates to sample as well as hot peppers canned by local folks. Don’t miss a good time… raffles, music & tons of fun! We will unite […]

Live every Tuesday night from 7-8 p.m., it’s a splendid mixture of serious current events talk, jazz music, Eagle Scout mandates, astronomy, emergency management and healthy living. DJ Troubles is your guide! Call him and get advice. DJ Troubles will solve your troubles!

January 12, 2012

Troubles Gilboy is an ultra swell guy who knows a whole lot about everything, and he is not selfish with his vast archive of knowledge. Look to Troubles for solid advice on anything on his weekly show, The Troubles Gilboy Show. Catch Troubles every Tuesday night from 7-8 p.m. right after The Joe Gallagher Show […]

January 6, 2012

Gretchen represents the “New Wave” of internet radio. Armed with an ear for hooks and harmony, Gretchen will delight listeners with subversive powerpop offerings. Catch Gretchen with Dave O’Malley every Wednesday night at 7 p.m. on the Eclectic Electric. Eclectic Electric show plug

Tonight, Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2011, Kenny Ali will join Joe Stilson in the studio for a very special edition of The Jackson Purdue Block Watch at 5 p.m. Kenny will be promoting his upcoming event at the Lemon Grove happening in big fashion on Thursday. Tune in and see what’s up.

Hi everyone. The Dino & Dino Thursday show has moved from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. Their Monday show is still on at 6 p.m.

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